Winter Day in the Tetons

by Douglas Wielfaert
Winter Day in the Tetons
Douglas Wielfaert
Photograph - Photography
At 15 below zero on this clear winter day, the Tetons looked especially beautiful, cloaked with a fresh coat of snow that had fallen overnight. This favorite shooting location is on the eastern boundary of Grand Teton National Park and is along the ditch that runs from Kelly Warm Spring.
From what I can gather from park historical records, this waterway is Savage Ditch, a rather unromantic name for a lovely stream whose waters are warmed by the 80-degree spring just upstream. In the deep cold of winter, steam rises and coats the branches of the grasses along the banks. We always expect to see waterfowl here as well, including ducks, herons and even trumpeter swans, feasting on the small fish that remain active in the warm water. Versions of this image captured in different seasons, weather and time of day have proven to be one of our most popular.
January 14th, 2024
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